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I'm a huge geek, book fiend, and someone who refuses to grow up (Popcorn for dinner is a perfectly legitimate decision. As is sliding down banisters). I have a bad case of wanderlust that has taken me all over the world, I've lived in three countries now and visited many more. This has also led me to have a rather...eclectic series of jobs up until now.

I have finally settled down in a small village just outside of my hometown with my long-suffering husband. He puts up with my bouts of insanity and fan-girling and he even tolerates me forcing him to cosplay. Recently, we've both come under the command of a tiny tyrant who is running our house and our lives.

Right now I work in Kingston in tourism and spend most of my free time reading, writing, binge-watching shows, or swearing up a storm while playing video games. If there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask! I'm a talker and will tell you pretty much anything you want to know.


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